Lilly Cottage is a small waterfront property located in the quiet town of West Arichat, on Isle Madame, just a short 2.5-hour drive from Halifax International Airport. Isle Madame offers some of the best-undisturbed coastline in Nova Scotia, which includes spectacular ocean vistas, and the charming Cape Auget Eco-Trail just perfect for relaxation and de-stressing, not to mention a beautiful sandy beach at Pondville Beach Provincial Park.
The original building was a fishing cottage that is over 150 years old. The wonderful character of this old house includes the story of it’s humble beginnings on a completely different island before it was dragged across the ice one winter some 80 years ago to where it now sits.
This fine old building, originally made up of rough plank and oversized black spruce beams, has undergone a renovation/rebuild in 2008-2009. The work restored some of its original charm, while lending to it a bit different look with the addition of a Cape style roof to add more headroom in the upstairs bedrooms. It was our goal to maintain that Acadian charm, while updating it to suit the needs of our visitors with a modern bathroom and kitchen.
The cottage building is a two bedroom, 1 1/2 storey Cape Code style cottage. The new roof height has afforded more headroom upstairs, with both bedroom windows and a large living room window that offer a sunset water view. The cottage has a queen sized bed, double/full sized bed, and a fold down couch for a total sleeping accommodation of 6.
Lilly Cottage is now permanently closed.
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